Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College and Department of Nursing Services under Sri BalajiVidyapeeth organized an Internship Orientation Programme from 10.06.2024 to 12.06.2024 at Sushruta Hall, KGNC,
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College and Department of Nursing Services under Sri BalajiVidyapeeth organized an Internship Orientation Programme from 10.06.2024 to 12.06.2024 at Sushruta Hall, KGNC,
In commemoration of International Day of Yoga-2024 , B. Sc Nursing I year II semester students (Nos 103) from Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, SBV had
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College and Department of Nursing Services under Sri BalajiVidyapeeth organized an Internship Orientation Programme from 10.06.2024 to 12.06.2024 at Sushruta Hall, KGNC,
Department of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC, SBV (Deemed to be University) started the three months Psychiatric Clinical Posting on 3.6.24 for B.Sc.Nursing III Year students
In Commemoration of World No Tobacco Day, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing had conducted a Folk Tale to highlight the theme- “Protecting Children from Tobacco
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