2023 – 2024
- Jayasri.J.S.Prabavathy. Evidence-based community strategies to check alcohol use. Health Action. Jan-2018; 28-29.
- S.Rajeswari, K.S.Sudha. Climate change & threat. Health Action. Jan-2018; 24-25
- Jayasri J. Say “No” to dental sensitivity. Health Action. Mar-2018; 17-19
- J.Jayasri, Jayanthi K. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana. Health Action. Mar-2018; 29-30.
- Ms.Sajini Merin Mathew. A study to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding antenatal diet among antenatal mothers attending antenatal clinic at PIMS ,Puducherry. Tamilnadu nurses and midwives council journal of obstetrics and gynaecological nursing Jan-June 2018; IV (1):9-11.
- Kripa Angeline A , Renuka K. Vedio assisted informed consent process on level of satisfaction and cognition among patients undergoing invasive therapeautic/ diagnostic cardiac procedure. Open access journal of pulmonary & respiratory sciences. March 2018;3(1).
- Dhivagar S ,Jayasri J. How do you stay healthy and fit in Prison. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Jan-April 2018; 11(1): 50-54.
- Jayasri J. Futuristic Spermbot . International journal of Oncological Nursing , 2018:4(1) PP: 12-16.
- Elavarasi.R. A experimental study to assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise on regulation of blood pressure among patients with hypertension. Pondicherry. Journal of Nursing 14(1):Jan- April 2018 : 28-30.
- Geralad Roseline M, Prabavathy S ,Dhivagar S. Effectiveness of Pranayama on reducing the anxiety among the alcoholic patient in Bharath Matha De-addiction center. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Jan-Apl 2018; 11(1) : 14-18 .
- Jasmine James, Annie Annal. M, Sajini Merin Mathew. Effectiveness of olive oil back massage verses back massage on reduction of intensity of pain during labour among primigravida women. Pondicherry Journal Nursing, Jan –April 2018;11(1):15-18.
- Jayasri.J. Super Foods to Fight Anemia . Health action, May 2018; 3 (5): 27-30
- Jayasri.J. Organ Donation and Transplantation. Myths and Facts, Health action May 2018; 31(5): 18-19.
- Jayasri.J. Herbal therapies in Prevention of Cancer and treatment. International journal of Oncological Nursing , 2018:1(1)
- Jayasri.J.S.Prabhavathy . Caring for the elderly . Health action, April 2018; 3 (5): 13-15.
- Malathi, Prof. Annie Annal. M, Anitha.B. Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Warning Signs of pregnancy among primigravid women attending outpatient department of PHC. Pondicherry Journal Nursing, Jan –April 2018;11(1):8-10.
- Manopriya.V, Renuka.K.. Know About Palliative Care. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Jan-Apl 2018; 11(1): 42-43.
- Mintu Joshua, Renuka.K, D.S. Hannah Aswini . Assess the effectiveness of aromatherapy on postoperative pain among patients undergone abdominal surgery. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Jan-April 2018; 11(1): 1-2
- RamaPrabhu Z. Assess the level of knowledge & practice among mothers among pre school children about warm infestation & effectiveness of innovative health counseling. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing 11(1); Jan- April 2018 :19-20
- Renuka.K ,Anbu. Kikuchi Fujimoto Disease- Case Report. TNNMC Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing, Jan- June 2018; 7(1): 36-39
- Dr. Renuka.K. A Prudent Nurse. TNNMC Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing, Jan- June 2018; 7(1): 41-44.
- Sumathy.P, Sherin Nithya.S. Comparative study to assess the lifestyle of School Children with underweight and Normal Weight in Government Higher Secondary School. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing ,Jan- April 2018;2(1):25-27.
- Geetha C. Assess the knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of Ebola virus among staff nurse. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing ,Jan- April 2018;2(1):21-24.
- Kripa Angeline A. Laughter Yoga For Patients With Hypertension, India. Open access journal of cardiology. May 2018;2(2):1-9.
- Kripa Angeline A. Care of elderly population. International journal of geriatric nursing. 2018;1(1):17-24.
- Dr.Renuka K,, Kripa Angeline A ,.Manopriya V, Anbu M, Finny moses E. Nurse led interventions on serum iron and vitamin D3 among rural women with risk of osteoporosis, Puducherry. International journal of orthopaedic nursing. 2018;1(1):5-11.
- Renuka.K ,Jayasri.J. Book Author on Care of Nurses for ENT patients-the knowledge book project, consortium . e learning net work Private Limited, ISBN No: 9789387376175 on 14.05.2018.
- P.Rajalakshmi,Dr.K.Renuka. Effect Of Zinc Food Supplement ( CICER ARIETINUM ) On Blood Glucose, Lipid Profile And Serum Zinc Among Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus At Puducherry , India. Indian Journal of applied research . July 2018;8 (7): 9-11.ISSN NO :2249-555X .
- Prof.S.Rajeswari . Feeding problems encountered by mothers of toddlers.International journal of science and research (IJSR). Sep 2018;7(9):1438-1439.ISSN NO : 2319-7064 .
- Jayasri J. Traffic pollutants and human health. Health action . Oct 2018; 20-22.ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- S.Sajini merin Mathew . Telemedicine . Health action . Oct 2018; 6-8.ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- Jayasri J Ms.Prabavathy .S Climate change. Health action .Aug 2-5 2018; 6-8. ISSN NO: 0970-471 X
- Ms.Nathiya ,Ms.Prabavathy .S Ms.Jayasri J. Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Parents Knowledge About The Home Care Management Of Children With Autism Disorder. Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2): 9-12 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Ms.Jayasri J& Prof.S.Rajeshwari. Assessment of Knowledge on Swine flu among FirstYear B.Sc(N) students. Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2):13-15 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Aruna Devi. M. Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module On Knowledge RegardingPrevention Of Violence Among Adolescent Girls. Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2):16- 18. ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Sherin Nithya.S . A Comparative Study To Assess The Behavioral And Emotional Problems Of School Children Among Employed And Unemployed Mothers. Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2):19- 22.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Prof.S.Rajeswari, Mrs.S.Saranya & Ms.Keerthiga.V. Case Report On Precocious Puberty. Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2):23- 30.ISSN NO:2279- 0144.
- B.Anitha , Dr.Renuka K. Fowlers Syndrome- A Urogynaecological Complication In Obstetrics. Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2): 31-35.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Mrs.Hanna Ashwini.D.S . Norovirus – Winter Vomiting Bug. Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2): 36-38.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Mrs.Jaya Pradha.D Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2): 39-42.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Ms.Manopriya V, Dr.Renuka K . Communication Skills In Palliative Care Pondicherry journal of nursing . May –Aug 2018; 11(2): 43-48.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Bamalakshmi V, Sajini merin Mathew S. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching regarding total parenteral nutrition on knowledge and practice among staff nurses working at critical care uunit, GMCRI , at puducherry. International journal of nursing critical care. 2018;4(2): pp 1-7.
- Poongodi V. Effectiveness of birthing ball technique on labour pain perception among primi gravida women during first stage of labour. International journal of obstetrics , perinatal and neonatal nursing . 2018;4(2) pp1-4.
- Poongodi V , Dr.Renuka.K . Effectiveness of pin prick technique Vs Routine technique on pain perception during Intramuscular Injection among patients admitted in MGMCRI, Puducherry . Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. Nov 2018;5(11):pp17-141.ISSN -2349-5162.
- Lavanya S . CAM Approaches in Comprehensive Midwifery Practice-A Future Vision . International journal of Midwifery Nursing.2018; 1(1):pp 1-7.
- Mr.Mahesh, Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A , Dr.Renuka.K . Effectiveness of Nursing care Bundle on Catheter associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) among patients with Indwelling catheter in selected Ward of MGMCRI, Puducherry . Archives of Pulmonology. 2018; 1(2): pp10-17.ISSN -2639-62X.
- Kripa Angeline.A Impact of Ahibhairav Raga on Hypertension among Primary educators in Selected Schools at Puducherry . International journal of Cardiac Science and Research; 2018;pp 1-6
- Kripa AngelineA . Problem- Based Learning-An Overview . International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2018;4(2):pp 1-6. ISSN-2455-6351.
- Kripa Angeline A ,Premalatha S , Text neck syndrome, International journal of orthopaedic nursing. 2018;4(2):pp 23-25.
- Ms.Vanitha, Prof.Annie Annal M , Dr.Renuka.K , An experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of application of Almond oil massage on Breast feeding among Postnatal mothers undergone LSCS at MGMCRI, Puducherry . International journal of Current research. Oct 2018; 10(10) :pp 74435-74439.ISSN-0975-833X..
- Ms.Nandhini.D, Lavanya.S & Renuka.K . An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of double syringe method Vs Rubber band method on successful breast feeding among primi para mothers with flat and inverted nipple at MGMCRI, Puducherry . International journal of Current research; Jan 2019; 11(10) : 75964- 75868.ISSN-0975-833X.
- Nivetha G ,Prof.Annie Annal.M & Dr.Renuka.K . Effectiveness of Lavender oil massage vs Rose oil massage on labour pain perception among parturient women during the first stage of labour at MGMCRI, Puducherry. International journal of Applied Research; 2018 ; 4(10): 266-271.ISSN-2394-7500.
- Priyalatha.G, Geetha.C & Renuka.K . Effectiveness of Buteyko Breathing exercise on Respiratory outcome among children with bronchial asthma admitted in paediatric unit of MGMCRI, Puducherry . International journal of Applied Research; 2018 ; 4(10): pp 413-418.ISSN-2394-7500.
- Keerthika V ,Prof.Rajeswari S ,Dr. Renuka K. Effectiveness of Thopukarnam on academic performance of school going children in selected schools at puducherry. International journal of Applied Research; 2018 ; 4(10): pp 276-283.ISSN-2394-7500.
- Surendran ,Dr. Renuka K . Assessment of respiratory outcome among patient with lower respiratory tract disorder . International journal of Applied Research; 2018 ; 4(10): pp 413-418.ISSN-2394-7500.
- Kripa Angeline A. Effectiveness of balloon exercise on level of dyspnea among patients with lower respiratory tract disorder. Journal of lung,pulmonary& respiratory research :4(2) May 2017. Indexed in pubmed.
- Jayasri J. For a Healthy School life Health action: Jan 2017 pg 28-30. ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- Jayasri J. Cancer and Mental Health Health action: Jan 2017 pg 31-33. ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- Jayasri J. Mental Health in Prison – Issues & Challenges. Health action : April2017 pg26-28. ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- Renuka K, Ponmani C. A Study To Assess The Impact Of Warm Water Foot Immersion Therapy On Regulation Of Body Temperature Among Patients With Fever. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp1-4 ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Soya Sunny, Sumathy P. A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Soya Milk Administration On Degree Of Malnutrition Among Malnourished Children In Selected Anganwadi Centres At Seliamedu. * Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp5-8 ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Geetha.C Assessment Of Practice On Documentation Among Staff Nurses Working In MGMCRI.Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp9-11 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Sherin Nithya S ,Ruma Shanthini R. A Study To Assess The Impact Of Structured Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding Home Management On Prevention Of Dengue Among Women At Moorthikuppam. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp12-14 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Jayanthi K ,Dr. Renuka K .A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) Based Discharge Counseling On Patient Satisfaction Among Patients In Selected Wards At MGMCRI.Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp 16-19. ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Umamaheswari R .Assessment Of Knowledge On Genetic Counseling Among Antenatal Mothers At MelmaruvathurAdhiparasakthi Institute Of Medical Sciences.Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp20-21 . ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Manopriya V , Dr.Renuka K. Simulative Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding Basic Life Support Among Nss Students At Karaiyamputhur Government Higher Secondary School.Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp 23-26. ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Jayasri J .Assess The Knowledge On Ill-Effects Of Alcoholism Among Alcoholics Those Who Attend The De-Addiction Clinics In IGGMGH. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp27-30 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Subakeerthi V. A Study To Assess The Knowledge And Attitude On No-Scalpel Vasectomy Among Teachers At Selected Schools. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp 31-33 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Rajalakshmy P.A Therapeutic Role of Flaxseed .Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(1)Jan-Apr 2017:pp 34-37 . ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Umamaheswari R. Effectiveness of deep breathing exercise on menopausal symptoms among post menopausal women .Indian journal of advanced nursing. Jan-Mar 2017; III(1): pp84-87. ISSN (Online):2394-7160. ISSN (print):2319-815X .Impact factor:2.002.
- Elavarasi R, Umamaheswari R. A study to assess the effectiveness of selected nursing interventions on regulation of blood pressure among patients with hypertension residing at selected rural areas in Puducherry. Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jan-Mar 2017; III(1): pp84-87 .
- Jayasri J. Preventing Silicosis. Health action: July 2017 pg 19-21.ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- Dr.Renuka K,Jayanthi K. Infiniti – Mind Mapping Learning Model. Annals .SBV,Jan–June .2017 :6(1) pp 12-14.
- Jayasri J.. Pesticides : Food Safety And Management. Health action: August 4-6.ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- Ms.Feba Sam, Dr. Renuka K ,Nandhini S. Impact of Innovative Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Skill regarding Basic Cardiac Life Support among Students. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 1-4 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Rajeswari S . Impact of Social Media on Lifestyle and Learning Behaviour among Adolescents . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 12-15.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Lekshmi S,Prof.Annie Annal M, S.Lavanya . Effects of different Maternal Positions on maternal parameters and fetal heart rate among Antenatal Mothers during Non- Stress Test. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 16-21.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Ramaprabhu Z . Effectiveness of Sleep Management Strategies in Reducing Insomnia among Elderly . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 22-28ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Finny Moses E. Assessment of Knowledge on Biomedical Waste Management among Critical Care Health Workers in SMVMCH, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 29-33.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Ms.sharisadan, Prof.M.AnnieAnnal.M& Mrs.Poongodi.V. Effectiveness of Information Education Communication Package on knowledge regarding Dysmenorrhea Among Adolescent Girlsin selected schools at Puducherry . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp34-39. ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Carolin.P Dr. Kamalam. S &Mrs. Aruna Devi . Assessment of knowledge on anemia and the effectiveness of lemon juice in improving Hemoglobin level among Adolescent . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 40-43 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Ms. Sivaranjani , Mrs.PrabavathyMrs. Jayanthi . Assessment of the Psycho Social Problems associated with Obese Adolescents. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 44-47 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Ms.Suganya .V . Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and attitude regarding Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 48-52 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Anitha.B . Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 65-68 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Saranya.S . Pfeiffer Syndrome . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 69-72 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Jayasri J . Orthorexia: The Dirty Downside of Clean Eating . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 11(2) Jun-Aug 2017:pp 73-78 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Sumathy P,Finny Moses E. A Study assess the risk factors of developing Thrombophlebitis among children admitted in selected hospital at Puducherry . International Journal of Health Sciences & Research: 7(6)June 2017:pp: 250- 253;ISSN-2249-9571.
- KripaAngeline A. Mycetoma Madura Foot – Case Report. International journal of orthopaedic nursing .2017: 3(1): pp15-19
- Finny Moses E. A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Mud Therapy Among Clients With Knee Osteoarthritis. International journal of orthopaedic nursing .2017: 3(1): pp11-14.
- Prof.P.Sumathy. Effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding junk food and its effects among adolescents in selected urban school at Puducherry. International journal of applied research 2017:3(6)pp-574- 577.ISSN Print.2394-7500.ISSN online 2394-5869.Impact factor 5.2.
- Kripa Angeline.A , Anbu M ,Dr.Renuka.K. Impact of flipped classes on knowledge regarding HIV post exposure Prophylaxsis among dental students . International Education & ResearchJournal (IERJ). Aug 2017; 3(8):pp 103-105.e-ISSN NO: 2454-9916.
- Kripa Angeline A. Effectiveness of panel discussion among nursing students. International Education & Research Journal (IERJ). Aug 2017;3(8):pp18-20.e-ISSN NO: 2454-9916.
- Lavanya S. Effectiveness of ice pack application on reduction of labour pain among primi gravid women during first stage of labour admitted in MGMCRI. International
journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal &Neonatal nursing.(IJOPNN) .2017 ;3(2): pp1-5.e- ISSN no :2455-6424. - Annie Annal M ,Umamaheswari R. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on early detection of visual disturbances in children among primary school teachers in a selected school at Puducherry. International journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal &Neonatal nursing.(IJOPNN) .2017 ;3(2): pp19-21.e-ISSN no :2455-6424.
- Geetha C. Facts related to obesity. International journal of current research .9(8) 2017 pp5608-56084 .ISSN NO :0975-833X
- Sugumar S ,Prabavathy S,Dr. Renuka K . A Study to assess the effectiveness of Group therapy on Psychological well being among alcohol dependents at selected De addiction , Puducherry. IOSR Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences (IOSR – JNHS):Vol (1) Jan – Feb 2017-pp-145-147 .ISSN No:2320-1940. .
- Kripa Angeline A . Systematic review on interventions for mucositis in cancer therapy– an update Cancer. International journal of oncological nursing : 2017; 3 (2).
Oncological International journal of nursing: 3(1) 2017.pp 15-22. - Jayapradha D,.Annie Annal, Dr.Renuka K. A study to assess the effectiveness of Lamaze breathing exercise on labour pain among primi gravid women admitted in labour ward at MGMCRI. International journal of information research and review, (IJIRR) .2017 ;4(9): pp4491-4495.e-ISSN no :2455-6424.
- Jayasri J , Jayanthi K. Urban Health :Issues And Challenges . Health action: Oct 2017.pP 22-24.ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- Jayasri J , Dhivagar. Laws That Govern Medical Negligence. Health action: Nov 2017 .pp 12-14.ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- Ms.Jayasri. Preventing Medico –Legal Issues In Clinical Practice. Health action: Nov 2017 pg 18-20.ISSN NO: 0970-471 X.
- S.Lavanya,A. Kripa Angeline . Sjogren’s Syndrome. International journal of immunological nursing .2017;(2) eISSN:2456-1592.
- Kripa Angeline A . Systemic Review On Helicobacter Pylori Infection And Risk Of Lung Cancer. International journal of oncological nursing : 2017; 3 (2)
- Praimathi A . Effectiveness Of Cold Application And Range Of Motion Exercise On Prevention Of Complication Among Patients With Skin Traction. International journal of orthopaedic nursing.2017; 3 (2).
- Renuka.K . Prevalence and Antibiogram of MRSA Isolated fromPatient Samples and Health Care workers in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Puducherry, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, November 2017; 6(12):1419- 1424.
- Geetha C. A study to assess the effectiveness of educational programme on knowledge regarding obesity among school children in a selected school, Puducherry. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, December 2017; 6(12):7890-7892.
- Jayasri.J . Couvade Syndrome. International journal of Nursing Critical Care. 2017; 3 (2): 1-5.
- Jayasri.J . Alice in Wonderland Syndrome . International journal of Neurological Nursing Journal 2017;3 (2): 57-61.
- Jayasri.J .Prevention of Substance abuse in India . Health Action. Dec-2017; 30(12):10-12
- Jayasri.J. A Magic Bullet – Nanorobots In HIV And AIDS Treatment. International journal of nanotechnology .2017;3(2) e ISSN NO:2456-0111.
- Aileen George, Renuka K , KripaAngeline A. A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Deep breathing Exercise With Incentive Spirometer on the Respiratory Status of Patients Who Have Undergone Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery in Selected Hospital Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3): 15-20
- Jassin Joseph, Annie Annal , UmaMaheswari R . Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programmes on Knowledge regarding Cervical Cancer and its Preventive Measure Among Reproductive Age Group Women. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3): 9-11.
- Prabavathy S. Breaking Bad News – A Psychological Approach. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3) : 36-41.
- Rajalakshmy P. Types of Diabetes Mellitus. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3):47-49.
- Resha Benny , Kamalam S , Bamalakshmi.V A . A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge, Attitude And Practice of Women on Hazards of Tobacco Consumption and to Identify Their Health Problem in Selected Rural and Urban Area With A View of Organizing an Educational Programme At Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3): 27-31.
- Poongodi V. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention of selected post operative complications among patients undergoing abdominal surgeries in selected hospital . Indian journal of advanced nursing . July–sep 2017;3(3):29-35 .ISSN (online) :2394-7160 .ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- Poongodi V. A study to assess the effectiveness of cabbage leaves application on breast engorgement among the postnatal mothers admitted in postnatal ward at MGMCRI, Pilliyarkuppam, Puducherry . Indian journal of advanced nursing . Oct- Dec 2017;3(4) .64-71.ISSN (online) :2394-7160 .ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- Poongodi V ,Jayapradha J. A study to assess the knowledge on uterine prolapse and its management among the women attending gynaecological OPD at MGMCRI Puducherry. Indian journal of advanced nursing . Oct- Dec 2017;3(4):84-88.ISSN (online) :2394-7160 ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- M.Annie Annal . A study to assess the knowledge on behavioural problems of school children among school teachers with a view to develop an informational module in selected schools at Puducherry. Indian journal of advanced nursing . Oct- Dec 2017;3(4):33-36.ISSN (online) :2394-7160ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- Rajeswari S ,V.Subakeethi . A study to assess the impact of family centered teaching program on knowledge and attitude on traditional practices of newborn care among the family members in post natal ward at MGMCRI ,hospital ,Puducherry. Indian journal of advanced nursing . Oct- Dec 2017;3(4):50-57. ISSN (online) :2394-7160ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- Umamaheswari R . A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding protein energy malnutrition among under five mothers at selected area. Indian journal of advanced nursing. July-Sep 2017;3(3):66-69.ISSN (online) :2394-7160 .ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- Anitha B . Effectiveness of cabbage leaves application Vs cold compression on breast engorgement among the postnatal mothers admitted in postnatal mothers at Kasturba Hospital ,Dindukal District. Indian journal of advanced nursing . Oct- Dec 2017;3(4):91-93.ISSN (online) :2394-7160 ,ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- Sajini Merin Mathew S . Effectiveness of music therapy on level of anxiety and pain perception among primigravid mothers in first stage of labour in selected hospitals of Puducherry. Indian journal of advanced nursing . Oct- Dec 2017;3(4):24-29. .ISSN (online) :2394-7160 ,ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- Sherin Nithya S. A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of beetroot extract on anemia among adolescent girls at a selected school in Mayiladuthurai. Indian journal of advanced nursing . July-Sep 2017;3(3):60-63. .ISSN (online) :2394- 7160 ,ISSN (print):2319-815X.
- Jayanthi K . Effectiveness of Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation technique on stress and coping among elders residing in selected old age home at Puducherry. Indian journal of advanced nursing . July-Sep 2017;3(3):51-54ISSN (online) :2394-7160 .ISSN (print):2319-815X
- Jayasri J, Gayathri S. Case Report On Plummer Vinson Syndromme. International Journal Of Nursing Education: 167-169, 8(4). Oct-Dec 2016. ISSN NO:0974-9349.
- Kingsly Kishore Coumar M F, Renuka K. A Study to assess the effect of intra -dialytic stretching exercise on muscle strength (pain) among patients undergoing hemodialysis in a selected Hospital at Puducherry. Indian journal of advanced nursing. II(1); Jan-March 2016: pg 82-87. ISSN (online): 2394-7160. ISSN (Print): 2319-815X. Impact factor: 2.002. IBI Factor-3.5 for the year 2015, Indexed in Google scholar.
- Lavanya S, Anitha B. A study to assess the Effectiveness of Beetroot Juice among adults with hypertension at selected rural area in Puducherry. Indian journal of advanced nursing. II(1); Jan-March 2016: pg 97-105. ISSN (online): 2394-7160. ISSN (Print): 2319-815X. Impact factor: 2.002. IBI Factor-3.5 for the year 2015, Indexed in Google scholar.
- Sumathy P. Effectiveness of exercises on low back pain among middle aged women at puducherry. Nitte University Journal of Health Sciences. 6(1); March 2016:Pg13-15. ISSN : 2249-7110.
- Renuka K, Rumashanthini K. Barth Syndrome Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council journal of Medical Surgical Nursing, IV(1); Jan-June 2016:Pg 35-37.
- Rajalakshmy P. Optimization of coconut butter prepared by incorporating peanut butter and diary butter. Journal of advanced research food science nutrition :2(1);2016.
- Deepa Varghese & Annie Annal A. study on assessment of change in knowledge after administration of an informational module on gestational diabetes mellitus and its prevention of complications among antenatal women in MGMC&RI, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(1);Jan-April 2016: Pp 7-9 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Prabavathy S. OTHELLO Syndrome Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(1) Jan-April 2016:Pp 44-46 . ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Jinu Abraham, Renuka K, M.Anbu. A study to assess the quality of life among patients with coronary artery diseases. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(1) ;Jan-April 2016:Pp 17-19 . ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Parvathy O G, Kamalam S, Elavarasi R A study to assess the effectiveness of ivy gourd (coccinia indica) in reduction of blood glucose level among patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Pillayarkuppam Area, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(1) Jan-April 2016:Pp 34-36 . ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Jayanthi Rajendran & Sumathy Kumar. Abnormal cholesterol uptake rate of leucocytes reflecting metabolic aberration in non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ischemic heart disease patients Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(1) Jan-April 2016:Pp 27-33 . ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Poongodi V. A study to assess the knowledge regarding post operative care among Primi gravida mothers undergoing caesarean section in selected hospital. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(1) Jan-April 2016:Pp 37-39 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Umamaheswari R. A descriptive study to assess the contributing factors of infertility and treatment modalities used among the infertility couples. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(2) May-Aug 2016:Pp 27-29 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Aruna Devi M. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge and practice regarding geriatric care among the caretaker in the family. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(2) May-Aug 2016:Pp 10-12 . ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Hannah Aswini D S. Effectiveness of communication board on the level of satisfaction of the communication pattern among patients on mechanical ventilation. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(2) May-Aug 2016:Pp 20-23. ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Geetha C. Childhood Obesity – A Lifelong Threat to Health Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(2) May-Aug 2016:Pp 40-45 ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Jayanthi K. Reishi Mushroom – Promising in treatment of Depression Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(2) May-Aug 2016:Pp 49-51 ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Rajalakshmi P. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Review Article Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:9(2) May-Aug 2016:Pp 46 – 47 ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Renuka K, Anbu M. Yoga for Palliative Care Nurses Annals of SBV:5(2)– July – Dec 2016 ISSN NO:23951982
- Bamalakshmi V. A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On knowledge and attitude of adolescent girls regarding Breast Self- Examination in Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering And Technology (RGCET) Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(3) Sep-Dec 2016: ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Lavanya S, Anitha B. Comparative study to assess the knowledge on pregnancy induced hypertension among cases and control antenatal mothers attending antenatal OPD at MGMCRI ,Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(3) Sep-Dec 2016: ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Sumathy P, Geetha C, Rajeswari S. Effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding newborn care and danger signs of new born among the postnatal mothers in kirumampakkam PHC, Puducherry Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(3) Sep-Dec 2016: ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Renuka K, Manopriya V. Effectiveness of informational module on knowledge regarding estrogen dominance in urban school Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(3) Sep-Dec 2016: ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Anitha B, Annie Annal M A. Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) On Knowledge Regarding Zika Fever Among Staff Nurses In MGMCRI, At Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(3) Sep-Dec 2016: ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Beniya Elizabeth Rani R, Prabavathy S. A comparative study to assess the level of stress, coping strategies and quality of life of institutionalized and non institutionalized elderly residing at Puducherry Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:10(3) Sep-Dec 2016: ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Jayasri J, Prabavathy S Quality In Mental Health Care Services Health action :29(10) Oct 2016 pg30-32. ISSN NO: 0970-471 X
- Gayathri S, Prabavathy S. Upholding Dignity In Mental Health Care Practice Health action : 29(10) Oct 2016pg15-16 ISSN NO: 0970-471 X
- Jayanthi K, Prabavathy S. Cultural competence for mental health nurses Health action : 29(10) Oct 2016 pg28-29 ISSN NO: 0970-471 X
- Renuka K, Kripa Angeline A. Cognition on deterrence of Osteoporosis among post menopausal Women Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council journal of Medical Surgical Nursing, IV(2); July – Dec 2016: Pg 4 – 5
- Kingsly Kishore Coumar M F, Renuka K. A Study to assess the effect of intra -dialytic stretching exercise on muscle cramp (pain) among patients undergoing hemodialysis in East Coast Hospital, Puducherry. International Journal of Multi disciplinary Research and development. Vol – 3, Issue 1, Pg.314 – 319 ISSN (online): 2349 – 4182 ISSN (Print): 2349 – 5979
- Geetha C, Knowledge on selected first aid measures among school children, puducherry. International Journal Of Applied Research. 3( 1); 2016: Pg.314 – 319 ISSN (online): 2394 7500 ISSN (Print): 2394-5869.
- Lavanya S, Danusu R. Effectiveness of Nursing Care on Postnatal Mothers Immediately After the Delivery International Journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing(IJOPNN):2(1):pp5-10. ISSN: 2455-6424 (online)
- Geetha C. Knowledge on Occupational hazards and the practice of using protective devices among the workers of plastic package industry, Puducherry , India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research:7(4): April 2016 .pp10502-4. ISSN: 0976-3031.
- Kripa Angeline A , Nirmala S, Renuka K. A study to assess the effectiveness of Music Therapy on Hypertension among teachers in selected schools at Puducherry. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research:7(5): May 2016 .pp10858-61. ISSN: 0976-3031.
- Kripa Angeline A, Sandhiya V. Knowledge On Cervical Cancer International journal of Oncological nursing:2(2): 2016.
- Sumathy P. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of awareness programme on knowledge regarding policies initiated by the government towards child welfare among women at Pillaiyarkuppam, Puduhcerry. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research:7(8): August 2016 . Pp 12852 – 4. ISSN: 0976-3031.
- Geetha C. Assess The Knowledge Regarding The Contributing Factors Of Childhood Obesity Among The Mothers Of Obese Children Aged 11-16 Years At Nonankuppam Village, Puducherry. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research:7(4): April 2016 . Pp 12732-5. ISSN: 0976-3031.
- Geetha C. Fight Obesity Healthy Weight –Healthy Lives International Journal Of Applied Research. 2( 10); 2016: Pg.672 – 675 ISSN (online): 2394-7500 ISSN (Print):2394-5869.
- Kripa Angeline A, Anbhu M, Renuka K. Effectiveness Of Helfer Skin Tap Technique On Pain During IM Injection International Journal of nursing science practice &Research:2(2): 2016 . Pp 41-51. e ISSN: 2455-6351.
- Manopriya V, Renuka K, Kripa Angeline A. Effectiveness of health talk on knowledge regarding prevention of osteoporosis among rural women International Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing: 3(1). Pg1-4
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- Santhiya V, Prabavathy S, Renuka K. A Study to assess the effectiveness level of knowledge and attitude regarding mental illness among general public at Molapakkam village, Puducherry International Journal of Research & Review: 3 (12) Dec 2016 -pp-3443-3447
- Renuka K and Kripa Angeline A. Effectiveness of Lecture Method Vs Panel Discussion among nursing students in India. International journal of educational science & research:5(1):pp77-83 ISSN(Online)-2249-8052 ISSN(Print)-2249-6947.
- Kripa Angeline A and Renuka K. Effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on prevention of Byssinosis among cotton textile workers in India. International Journal Of Community And Mental Health Nursing. Vol:1, Issue:1, Jun 2015.pp53-60.
- Nirmala S, Sangeetha A. Risk assessment on polycystic ovarian syndrome among staff nurses – A Descriptive Study. Medical surgical nursing. International journal of emergency & trauma nursing. 1(2) ;2015 :1-4.
- Suguna Mary, Rajalakshmi. Assess the factors affecting the non-compliance on DOTS regimen among patients with tuberculosis in DOTS centers at puducherry Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(1) Pp47-48 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Annie Annal, Ms.Anitha. Fertility Cleansing, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(1) Pp 19-22 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Lavanya S .Single Ovary with Ovarian Torsion. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(1) pp 11-14. ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Lavanya.S, Jayasakthi Prabavathy J Identical Triplets. Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council journal of OBG Nursing, III(1) Pp42-45.
- Sumathy P, Geetha C, Rajeswari S. Locked in syndrome as a presentation of snakebite-A case presentation. Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council journal of Pediatric Nursing, III(1) Pp26-27.
- Renuka K, Kripa Angeline A, Sangeetha M A. Advanced Nursing Practice in Burns Management. SBV Annals Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Sumathy P, Rajeswari S. Evidence Based Nursing Interventions In Prevention Of Pressure Ulcer Among Children. SBV AnnalsVol.4,Issue:1.
- Annie Annal, Anitha. Wurn Technique In Gynaecological Nursing Care SBV Annals Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Suguna Mary, Rajalakshmi R. Trends In Home Health Care. SBV Annals Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Prabavathy S, Beniya Elizabeth Rani R. Save Students From Suicide Through S.A.V.E . SBV Annals. Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Renuka K, Hemapriya S , Anbu M. Nurse Led Ward Rounds – A Valuable Contribution To Neurological Patients. SBV Annals. Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Kripa Angeline A, Vijayaraj R, Manopriya V. Postural changes in Hemodynamically Unstable Patients in Critical Care Unit. SBV Annals. Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Geetha C, Saranya S. Specially Focused Nursing Care For Preemies – Born Too Soon. SBV Annals. Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Lavanya S, Poongodi V, Umamaheswari S . Contemporary Nursing Approaches In Induction Of Labour. SBV Annals Vol.4,Issue:1
- Elavarasi R, ArunaDevi R, Ruma Shanthini K, Guna S. Emerging And Re-Emerging Disease. SBV Annals, Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Ramprabhu Z, Malini pon angel I. Community Mental Health Initiatives. SBV Annals Vol.4,Issue:1.
- Anbu M. Effect of communication board on communication pattern among intubated patients in the critical care unit. Indian journal of surgical nursing. Vol.4.no2 pp41-45
- Rajeswari S, Sumathi P. Breast milk bank –Saves Generation. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(2) . ISSN NO: 2279-0144.
- Sangeetha M A. Kawasaki’s diseases. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(2). ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Vijayaraj R. A study to assess the burnout among nurses at selected hospital ,Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(2). ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Ramprabhu Z. Tidal waves :A new model of mental health recovery and reclamation Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(2). ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Kripa Angeline A, Dhivakar S. Scrub typhus fever Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(2). ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Lavanya S. A study to assess the prevalence of high risk pregnancy among Primi and multi gravid women admitted in selected hospital at puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:8(2). ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Annie Annal M, Umamaheswari R, Ilavarasi V. Fallopian tube prolapsed Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council journal of Pediatric Nursing, III(2)
- Bamalakshmi V. Effectiveness of structure teaching programme on knowledge , attitude and practice of lorry drivers regarding HIV/AIDS in selected rural areas of Salem town Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Vol – 8, Issue – 3.
- Lavanya S. A Study to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of childhood obesity among mothers of children (0-12) in Kirumambakkam, Puducherry Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Vol – 8, Issue – 3
- Kingsly Kishore Coumar M F, Mano Priya V. A Study to assess the level of knowledge on health promotion behavior among geriatric people at selected settings in Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Vol – 8, Issue – 3,PG.50 – 52
- Lavanya S. Sophrology: A New Approach To Safe Birth Practices. Indian journal of advanced nursing. 1(4); Oct-Dec 2015: pg 88-91. ISSN (online): 2394-7160. ISSN (Print): 2319-815X.
- Remya mohan, Renuka K. A comparative study to evaluate the effect of warm mustard oil Vs. warm mustard oil with camphor on relief of knee joint pain among rural women in selected areas of puducherry. Indian journal of public health research and development.
- Rajaram pagadala. It is new fangle newxus with health care progression required. SBV Annals
- Geetha C. Charecterisation of gram positive cocci in clinical sample, cost effective and reproductive technique. International journal of recent scientific research.
- Renuka K, Kripa Angeline A. Effectiveness of Balloon Therapy on respiratory status of patients with lower respiratory disorders. International journal of Science & Research:4(3).pp 496-500. ISSN(Online)-2319-7064.
- Geetha C, Saranya S. Knowledge and practice on partogram among staff nurses. International journal of science and research. Pp2270-72 .ISSN(Online):2319-7064. Index Copernicus value(2013):6.14.
- Geetha C. Knowledge on Leukemia, the stress and coping strategies of mothers with leukemic children undergoing treatment in selected cancer institute ,India. Internationaljournal of recent scientific research.Vol.6,Issue,5,pp4192-4196. ISSN:0976-3031.
- Geetha C. Knowledge and practice of colostrums and exclusive breast feeding among mothers of children below six months International journal of Advanced research . Vol 3,Issue 5, pp1511-1518. ISSN:2320-5407.
- Geetha C. A study to evaluate the knowledge and utilization of supplementary feeding among mothers with under five children in selected ICDS centres at Puducherry,India. International journal of science and research Vol:4,Issue:6 , pp54-55 .ISSN No-2277- 8179 .
- Poongodi V. A Descriptive clinical study on the effectiveness of Aromatherpy during first stage of Labor in selected Hospitals at Kolar district, Karnataka. IOSR, Journal of Nursing and Health Science (ISOR-JNHS). Vol.4, Issue 5 Ver.III, (Sep.-Oct.2015),PP 34-38.e-ISSN: 2320-1959. p-ISSN: 2320-1940.
- Poongodi V. A Descriptive clinical study on the effectiveness of Aromatherpy during first stage of Labor in selected Hospitals at Kolar district, Karnataka. IOSR, Journal of Nursing and Health Science (ISOR-JNHS). Vol.4, Issue 5 Ver.III, (Sep.-Oct.2015),PP 34-38. e-ISSN: 2320-1959. p-ISSN: 2320-1940.
- Karthick S, Prabavathy S, Renuka K. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Progressive muscle relaxation technique on reduction of stress among Alcohol dependents in Bharat Matha Deaddiction Centre, Ariyankupam, Pducherry. IOSR, Journal of Nursing and Health Science (ISOR-JNHS). Vol.4, Issue 5 Ver.III, (Sep.-Oct.2015),PP 28-30. e-ISSN: 2320-1959. p-ISSN: 2320-1940, Impact factor:1.110. Impact factor (4.59) 2017.
- Padmapriya, Prabavathy S, Renuka K. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Music therapy on the level of depression among Elderly in volontariat Home, Oupalam, Puducherry. IOSR, Journal of Nursing and Health Science (ISOR-JNHS). Vol.4, Issue 5 Ver.III, (Sep.-Oct.2015),PP 31-33. e-ISSN: 2320-1959. p-ISSN: 2320-1940, Impact factor:1.110.
- Senthil T, Prabavathy S. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Pranayama on reduction of Depression among transgender at SCOHD Society in Puducherry. International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research.Indexed in Copernicus and google scholar.
- Geetha C. Effectiveness of post- operative respiratory exercise in preventing. post- operative respiratory complications among patients undergoing majors surgeries. International journal of science and research Vol:4,Issue:6 , ISSN No(online)-2319-7064 Index Copernicus value(2013):6.14 Impact factor (2014):5.611. 2016 :6.39
- Kripa Angeline A, Mathavi R. Effect of laugh therapy on patients with hypertension . Coimbatore, India. International Journal Of Recent Scientific Research. Vol 6,Issue 10, pp 7078-83. ISSN : 0976-3031 . Impact factor: 5.114.
- Kripa Angeline A, Prabavathy S, Renuka K. A study to assess the dietary and lifestyle practices of patients with type II diabetes mellitus with a view to prepare handouts on prevention of complication of type II diabetes mellitus in MGMC&RI, Pillaiyarkuppam,Puducherry. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development.Vol 2,Issue 10,447-53. eISSN :2349-4182 p-ISSN:2349-5979 Impact factor: 5.742.
- Kripa Angeline A, Renuka K. A study to assess the knowledge on current trends in the treatment of cancer among staff nurses working in working in MGMC& RI, Puducherry. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development.Vol 2,Issue 11,655-668. e-ISSN :2349-4182 p-ISSN:2349-5979 Impact factor: 5.742.
- Kavitha R R, Sugunamary D. A study to assess the effectiveness of OKRA(Lady’s finger) water on regulation of blood glucose level among people with Type II Diabetes Mellitus residing in selected rural areas at puducherry. International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research.pp35-38.
- Ramya mohan, Renuka K. Warm mustard oil with warm mustard oil with camphor on relief of knee joint pain among rural women. The Nurse International , vol:6,No:6 Pp13- 16.
- Geetha C. Knowledge regarding acquired immuno deficiency syndrome among transport workers. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(3). Pp 25-28 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Suguna Mary D. A study to assess the knowledge regarding utilization of pulse polio immunization among mothers of under five children in pillaiyarkuppam at puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(3). Pp 38-40 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Vijayaraj R. Post -Traumatic stress among Orthopaedic trauma patients. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(3) Pp 29-31 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Kripa Angeline A, Janifer Xavier Albertina J. Carcinoid Syndrome – Case Report. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(2). Pp 16-17ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Rekha E. TB Meningitis. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(2.) Pp 20-23 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Divya Choudary. Why Eat Beets? 6 Top Reasons. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(2). Pp53 . ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Renuka K. Information bundle to people living with HIV/AIDS. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(1). Pp12-14 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Lavanya S. A comparative study to assess the prevalence of preterm labour among primi and multipara mother admitted in MGMC & RI, Puducherry. Pondicherry journal of Nursing:7(1). Pp 25-28 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Prabhavathy S. Loneliness- A Disease? Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(1) Pp18-20. ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Thivya N. Assess the Prevalence and compare the risk factors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among alcoholic and non – alcoholic males residing at Medavakkam, Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(1) Pp 34-35. ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- DivyaChoudary. Health Benefits of Stawberries.Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:7(1) Pp 40-45 .ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Renuka K & Remya Mohan. A comparative study to evaluate the effect of warm mustard oil Vs. warm mustard oil with camphor on relief of knee joint pain among rural women in selected areas of puducherry. IOSR- international journal of nursing and health sciences:5(5), version:III.pp 35-38. ISSN(Print)-2320-1940. ISSN(Online)-2320- 1959 .
- Sumathi P. A Study on Finding the Probability of Developing Diabetic Retinopathy Among Diabetes Up to a Given Period of Time by Using Cox’s Regression Model. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies.3(2).pp 273-79. Indexed,Google scholar.
- Kamalam S. Diabetes link with cancer. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:6(3). Pp4-5. ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Renuka K. Evaluate the effectiveness of structured counseling programme on the quality of life among the HIV positive patients in Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing:6(3) Pp 22-25 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Kripa Angeline A. Case Presentation-Vasculitis. Pondicherry journal of nursing:6(3). Pp 11-13ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Divya Choudary. Foods to boost our Brain power. Pondicherry journal of nursing: 6(3). Pp 44 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Kamalam S. World Population day. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 6(2). Pp 8-9 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Geetha C. Future directions of nursing. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 6(2). Pp 19-21 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Lavanya S. Recent advances in contraception. Pondicherry journal of nursing :6(2) Pp 17-18 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Elavarasi R. Nursing informatics. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing :6(2). Pp21-22.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Divya Choudary. Garlic for Health. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing :6(2). Pp 47- 48.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Annie Annal. Meigs syndrome. Pondicherry journal of nursing :6(2). Pp15-19 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Vijayaraj R. Review of related literature on the prevention of ocular complication. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing :6(1) ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Divya Choudary. Nutrition Facts and information wonder foods for oral Health. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing :6(1). Pp45. ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Sumathi S. A Study on Multi Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy Among Diabetic Patients in Puducherry-using Markov Chain Model Approach. Advances in Applied Mathematical Biosciences . Indexed,Google scholar. 3(1).pp 49-55
- Renuka K. A study to assess the prevalence of Monday morning syndrome among adults in selected areas of Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing :5(3) Pp 18-19. ISSN
NO:2279-0144. - Vijayaraj R. A Comparative study to assess the effect of television viewing on the degree of comfort among patients in the orthopaedic & cardiac wards in aselected hospital at Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing :5(3) Pp 38-39 .ISSN NO:2279- 0144.
- Suguna Mary. Study to assess the knowledge on self-care management among the clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Pillaiyarkuppam at Puducherry. Pondicherr y Journal of Nursing :5(2) Pp 37-38 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Elavarasi R. A study to assess the prevalence of occupational healthproblems and its protective measures among workers of Spnco Mill, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 5(2). Pp 34-36 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Kamalam S. Our pet may be a dengue carrier …Be careful. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing: 5(2) Pp 5-7 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Lavanya. A study to observe the Practice of aseptic technique among health personnel working in obstetric unit, MGMC &RI, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing :5(1) Pp 39-40 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Kalaiselvi. A study to assess the body mass index among adolescent students in govt. higher, Thavalakuppam, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing :5(1) Pp 41-42 .ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Geetha C. Assess the knowledge & utilization of health care among mothers of under-five children in selected rural area, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 5(1) Pp 43-44.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Divya choudary. Nutritrional facts – Bitter gourd. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 5(1) Pp 45-46.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Kamalam S. Is there any cure for pancreatic cancer?. Nightingale Nursing times:8 (6) p33-34.
- Renuka K. Perioperative Nursing. SBV Annals. Vol.1,Issue:1.
- Kamalam S. 100% Increase in heart ailments among women. Pondicherry journal of nursing: 5(1) Pp 5-7.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Elavarasi R. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention of vitamin A deficiency among mothers of under-five children in south Pitchavaram. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 5(1) Pp 24-25.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Aruna Devi M. A study to assess the knowledge and practice of mothers having children less than five years of age on Measles vaccine with a view of organizing an educational programme in a selected rural area and urban area of Puducherry.Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 5(1) Pp 31-33.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Kamalam, Alex Thomas. Progressive muscle relaxation technique on anxiety among the patient with anxiety disorders. Pondicherry journal of nursing: 5(1) Pp 34-35.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Emil.k.Paul. A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of infrared rays vs sitz bath on episiotomy wound of postnatal mothers admitted in MGMC & RI, Puducherry. Pondicherry journal of nursing: 5(1) Pp 36-37.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Meera Ulahannan. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding the side effects of antipsychotics among Primary caregivers of clients with mental illness in selected mental health centers at Puducherry. Pondicherry journal of nursing: 5(1) Pp 38-41.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Sharmila A. A study to assess the effectiveness of token economy for behavioural problems among mild & moderate mentally challenged children in selected special homes, Puducherry. Pondicherry journal of nursing: 5(1) Pp 42-45.ISSN NO:2279- 0144.
- Neetha Clare Jose. A study to assess the effectiveness of Foot reflexive massage on Blood pressure among patients with primary hypertension in PHC, Puducherry. Pondicherry journal of nursing: 5(1) Pp 46-47.ISSN NO:2279-0144.
- Divya Choudary. Health Benefits Of Almond. Pondicherry journal of nursing: 5(1)Pp 48.ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Divya Choudary. Nutrition for dengue. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 5(3). Pp 40.ISSN NO:2279-0144
- Muffet Khan. Fetus: Music for mom & me. RGUHS journal, vol:1, 2012.
- Sumathi P. A Study on Finding Influencing Factors on Diabetic Retinopathy Among Diabetic Patients Using Multiple Regression Approach. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.1(4) p20-23 Indexed, the Google scholar.
- Kavitha R R. Tourette Syndrome. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 4(1) Pp 11-14.
- Kannan K G. A case report – Systemic Sclerosis. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 4(1) Pp43-46.
- Kripa Angeline A. Ogilvie’s Syndrome. Pondicherry journal of nursing:4(2) Pp 24-27.
- Annapoorani K. Have computerized psychotherapy programmes made psychotherapist a obsolete. Pondicherry journal of nursing:4(2) Pp 34-35.
- Geetha C. Hypotheses. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 4(3)pp24-5
- Rajeswari S. Birth injuries and malformations pertaining to CNS. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 4(3) Pp20-23.
- Benin D S. A study to assess the prevalence of hypertension & its contributory factors in selected rural areas of Puducherry with a view of referring them to referral institutions. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 4(3) Pp34-35.
- Vesta. The effectiveness of video-assisted teaching programme on umbilical cord blood collection & its preservation for stem cell therapy among nurses of MGMC & RI, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 4(3). Pp36-40.
- Kevin Cherian. Externalizing symptoms among children of an alcoholic & nonalcoholic parent at selected villages Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 4(3). Pp 41-43.
- Kannan effectiveness of aloe vera dressing on wound healing among patients with Diabetic foot ulcer in MGMC & RI, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: 4(3). Pp 44-45.
- Renuka K. Assessing the effectiveness of the structured teaching programme on Modifiable risk factors of myocardial infarction among patients with hypertension in Medical outpatient department at E.S.I Hospital,Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(3) Pp41-43.
- Christy Suthasini. HELLP Syndrome. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(3) Pp20-21.
- Priscilla Inbarathi. Genetic counseling in obstetrics. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(3) Pp4-12-14.
- Gokulapriya R. General dietary problems during pregnancy. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(3) Pp17-19.
- Renuka K. Effect of bariatric surgery on morbid obesity and diabetes mellitus. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(3) P25-27.
- Rajeswari S. Assess the level of stress among the mothers of neonate admitted in NICU, MGMC & RI, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(3) Pp35.
- Kavitha R R. Drinking refusal self-efficacy & coping behaviors. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(3) Pp 39 -42.
- Sumathi P. Human neonatal Intensive Care Environment. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(4) Pp23 25
- Kamalam S. Presentation of data. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(4) Pp4-9.
- Joy John. Human Papillomavirus. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(4) Pp16-19.
- Yamuna T V. Ethnography as a method of transcultural qualitative research. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(4) Pp26-29
- Camala B. Influence of T.V viewing behavior on the academic performance of school going children. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(4) Pp33-35.
- Bharathi A R. Assess the level of depression among infertile women in a selected hospital at Chennai. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:3(1) Pp39-41.
- Rani S. Menstrual blood – a good source of stem cells. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:3(2) Pp26-28.
- Sumathi P. Temper Tantrums-How to keep the peace. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:3(2).
- Rajeswari S. Breast milk saves a life. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:3(1) Pp32-33.
- Kamalam S. Rhinosporidiosis. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:3(2) Pp4-6
- Kamalam S. Effectiveness of health intervention on nutrition problem among adolescent girls. Nightingale Nursing Times: 6(5).
- Gokulapriya R. Honey as a functional food. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(3)
- Kamalam S. Fibromyalgia. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(3) Pp 4-5
- Gokulapriya R. A study on the abortion seekers in Puducherry region. International Research Journal Of Social Sciences: 2(2) pp69-82.
- Renuka K. Frozen embryo transfer for infertility. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(1) Pp15-18.
- Kripa Angeline A. Ways to prevent breast cancer. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(2).
- Kamalam S. Exercise in Pregnancy. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(1)pp4-5.
- Kamalam S. Research in nursing education and practice. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(3). pp5-13.
- Kavitha R R. Learning disability: learning in a learners way. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(3) Pp14-17.
- Lakshmi R. Indian nursing council as regulatory body in nursing. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(3). Pp22-29.
- Gokulapriya R. Antioxidants – its significance in health. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(3).
- Lakshmi R. Emergency services. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(4) Pp21-25.
- Priscilla Inbarathi. Assess the knowledge on HIV/AIDS awareness among adolescents in selected schools, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(1). Pp31-33.
- Kamalam S. Ethical & legal issues. Indian Journal Of HolisticNursing:5(2).
- Kamalam S. Effectiveness of Health Intervention Measures on Nutritional Problem. among Adolescent Girls in Villupuram District. Indian Academy Of Paediatrics.pp62-66.
- Lakshmi R. Comparing normal saline vs tap water in irrigation of chronic wounds. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:2(1). Pp37-42.
- Kamalam S. Changing trends in nutritional assessment. Indian Journal Of Holistic Nursing:4(1): 9-14.
- Kamalam S. The family participation in MCH services. Indian Journal Of Holistic Nursing:4(1): 15-1
- Priscilla Bharathi. A case reports intravesical BCG. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(1) Pp28-30
- Gokulapriya R. An apple a day really keeps the doctor away. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(1) Pp25-27.
- Lakshmi R. Enteral nutritional supporting critically ill patients. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(1) Pp10-12.
- Renuka K. CPR: Creating A New Trend With Its Guidelines. A Successful Chain Of Survival. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(1) Pp18-21.
- Kamalam S. Assessment & utilization of MCH & Family welfare services among rural women. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(2)
- Priscilla Bharathi. Assess the growth & development of HIV Positive & negative children at Govt Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(2).
- Yamuna T V. Child-rearing practices among migrant mothers. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(1).
- Kavitha R R. Effectiveness of nursing intervention on the family members knowledge about drug compliance of clients with schizophrenia. Pondicherry Journal Of Nursing:1(2).
- Kamalam S. Nursing management of obstetric emergencies. Indian Journal Of Holistic Nursing:4(3). Pp3-9.