Student Activity

KGNC students won the First Place in Tennikoit
Ms.Priyanka R, B.Sc (N) III year and Ms.Harini M, B.Sc (N) IV year, KGNC,SBV (DU) Puducherry had won first Prize in Tennikoit at 7th State

Campus interview -2024 by MGM Health Care, Chennai
Campus interview -2024 by MGM Health Care, Chennai was organized by Placement cell and higher Education Cell, KGNC on 6.12.2024 from 9 .30 am-5.30pm. Campus

Seminar on Glimpse of Nursing Research
Research Club & Institutional Internal Quality Assurance Cell, KGNC organized the two days Seminar on Glimpse of Nursing Research, for our III year B.Sc (N),

The NSS unit of KGNC, Puducherry in collaboration with Bharat green foundation and Indira Gandhi dental sciences, SBV had conducted Palm Tree Seed Plantation Phase

Mega Career Guidance Programme- ‘STARTS-2024’ at KGNC
Placement and Higher Education Cell , KGNC was organized a Mega Career Guidance Programme- STARTS-2024 from 5.11.24- 7.11.2024 for B.Sc (N) outgoing students 2020-2021 batch

Swachhata Hi Seva Cleaning Programme at SBV Campus, Pondicherry
NSS Unit KGNC, Pondicherry in Collaboration with NSS Cell Mahatma Gandhi Medical College , School of Pharmacy, School of Allied Health Sciences, SBV, Pondicherry jointly