A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution


A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College


A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)

Accredited by NAAC with highest A++ Grade

Ranked 77 among Universities by NIRF 2023

A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Accredited by


Nirf 2023 among universities

77 Rank



A constituent college of

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV), PUDUCHERRY

Code of Conduct

Rules and Regulations of College and Hospital

The institution believes that without good discipline it would not be possible to win academic laurels. Hence the students are instructed to maintain strict discipline to achieve greater heights not only when they are in the campus but also wherever they are in future.

  • Students are required to maintain not only good academic progress but also high discipline in the campus.
  • Any student found guilty of Eve-teasing ( any kind of physical or mental harassment) will be EXPELLED from the college and would be handed over to police depending upon the offence committed. Students indulging in eve teasing will be expelled.
  • Students are not allowed to attend classes or any college function wearing shorts, jeans or t-shirts.
  • SMOKING AND DRINKING is prohibited inside the campus.
  • Cleanliness of the campus is important. Students should throw the garbage only in the dust-bins provided and should not spit / litter on the walls and floor. Students responsible for loss of damage of the institute property will be severely punished.
  • Students are not permitted to possess or use mobile phones inside the college campus.
Responsibility of the Students
  • To give due respect to the National Anthem, College Anthem Prayer song, faculty, staff, and other elders.  
  • To be patient and kind while dealing with patients.
  • To maintain a cordial.
  • relationship with others.
  • To be punctual for all theory, clinical postings, laboratory and meetings.
  • Students Should wear uniform on all the working days except Saturday.
  • Not to possess cell phones during class hours and clinical postings. Not to sit on the parapet walls.
  • To maintain decent dress code (Prescribed Uniforms).
  • Students Should come with clean Shaved and Trimmed nails Students Should not wear Jeans, T-Shirts & Leggings.
  • To be with white apron and identity card when in the college and in the hospital campus.
  • To maintain the campus eco – friendly.
  • Should dine in the common room only, not in classrooms.
  • To conserve energy by switching off fans and lights when not in use.
  • All the students should have 100% attendance in theory and Practicals.
Hostel Rules and Regulations
  1. Nursing is a residential programme all students are required to bring 3 passport size photographs for the hostel admission at the time of counseling.
  1. The hostel fee/ deposit may be paid at the time of counseling or registration / admission.
  1. Every attempt will be made to provide hostel accommodation to all students.
  1. It is mandatory for all first year students to stay in the hostels and be a member of the mess in the hostel. In exceptional cases permission may be granted by the Principal to stay out before joining the hostel. Food should not been taken to the rooms.
  1. Students must occupy rooms specifically allotted to them. They are not allowed to change rooms except with the written permission of the Chief warden / management.
  1. The management / chief warden reserves the right to break open rooms in case of any violation of hostel rules, suspected unlawful activities or on the basis of security risk perceived.
  1. No student should stay away from his/ her room during the night except with prior written permission of the warden and Principal. Any student, who wishes to leave the campus temporarily or otherwise,    should    obtain    the permission from the Principal and warden in writing. Those applying for permission must state the date and time of his/ her intended departure and return as well as the destination and enter all these details in the in-out register maintained in the hostel.
  1. Students are requested to avoid singing aloud, shouting or making all types of noises which are likely to distract the attention of those who may be studying in their rooms or hostel libraries.
  1. Pets of all kinds are prohibited inside the hostels. Feeding stray dogs or cats in the hostel premises is not permitted.
  1. The students are advised not to keep large amount of cash or valuables in the room. The student is responsible for the safety of his or her belongings inside the room.
  1. All visitors including parents/ guardians must be entertained only in the visitors lounge and during visiting hours only. A visitor’s pass will be obtained from the office of the chief warden, well in advance by concerned student.
  1. Any damage /breakage to hostel property will be charged to the occupants of the room / block with a fine. Disciplinary action will also be initiated.
  1. Cooking in hostel rooms is not permitted.
  1. All instructions / notices displayed on the notice boards will be deemed to have been read by all residents and excuses for non- compliance of such instructions and notices will not be accepted. Residents are advised to look at the notice board everyday to acquaint themselves with latest information / orders.
  1. Substance abuse, consumption of alcohol and smoking or chewing of tobacco and its related products is strictly banned in the hostels and in the campus.
  1. Partying in the rooms, in the corridors or anywhere in the hostel is not permitted whatever be the occasion.
  1. The Chief Warden or his representative may enter any room for verification at anytime of the day or night.
  1. All hostel inmates must report any disciplinary matter or problems concerning them or their room – mate / neighbor(s) coming to their notice to the Warden/ Chief Warden through caretaker or directly.
  1. No televisions are permitted to be kept in the hostel rooms by the students. Students have to watch TV in the common TV room provided in the hostels.
  1. The hostel timings will be strictly adhered to and every student should come to hostel before 6 pm.
  1. Students are advised not to keep a vehicle in the campus as it is not necessary.
  1. The rooms  have  been distempered  and  painted  as  per schedule and will be maintained regularly by the management as per the maintenance schedule. Students are not permitted to re-paint nor do any alteration of any nature without the written permission of management/ chief warden.
  1. The rooms and surroundings must be clean.
  1. Water and electricity is an essential but scarce commodity. All students are requested to use water and electricity judiciously and preserve it.
  1. All complaints regarding repairs/ maintenance in the hostels must be entered personally by the students in “complaint registers” maintained in all the hostels. These complaints are attended to expeditiously by management staff. All complaints are also monitored regularly by the warden / chief warden.
  1. There are “suggestion boxes” kept in all the hostels for suggestions if any from the students. Students may drop their suggestions and complaints if any, duly signed with their names and roll numbers in these suggestion boxes which are opened periodically.
  1. If students fall sick, he/she or room-mate / friend must immediately inform the caretakers / warden.
  1. Lock your room with a good branded lock. Lock your room always, even when going out for short durations.
  1. The management/ chief warden can remove a resident from the hostel at anytime on disciplinary grounds. Students may be required on disciplinary grounds to vacate their rooms at short notice.

         Ragging in any form is banned inside and outside the campus. Strict action will be taken against the defaulters. No leniency will be shown to the offenders. Suspension and or withdrawal from the hostel / college is one of the actions taken promptly. Punishment for ragging under the act of 1983 can be upto one year imprisonment. Supreme Court has also defined ragging as a criminal offence.


  • Is to be prevented.
  • Is an offence which is Prohibited by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
  • Is a Punishable offence as per the rules and regulation of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.

Transportation facilities are provided for students and faculty in and around Puducherry. The institution provides transportation for students who are going for out postings. It will be the responsibility of the students to find out the bus timings from the transport section.

  • Watch with marking seconds is required.
  • Earrings must be small gold, silver or white studs with no hangings.
  • No other extra stud should be worn.

              As Per the Institutional Policy Students need to wear the prescribed uniform daily with the Apron.

In order to arrive a Consistent standard of appearance, the following guidelines have been developed.

  • Students are also required to meet the policies and procedures at the clinical sites and adhere to the strict code.
  • Boys – Beard must be shaved / mustache must be trimmed.
  • Girls – Hair must be effectively restrained with topknot so that it does not fall into or contaminate the workspace.
  • A student must wear identity card at all times inside the college premises.
  • A student must wear white lab coat during their clinical practice.
  1. Membership is open to all the students. Those who want to become a member of the library should submit Two Stamp Size recent photos.
  1. E-Journal books are also available in our central library website – http://search.prorequest.com.

       3.The timings of the college library is  

                                     * Monday to Friday – 8.00 A.M to 8.00 P.M

                                     * All Saturdays  – 8.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M