In commemoration of World Liver Day-2020, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized an English e-Essay writing competition on 16.04.2020 on the
In commemoration of World Liver Day-2020, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized an English e-Essay writing competition on 16.04.2020 on the
In commemoration of World Hearing Day, Department Of Medical Surgical Nursing joined hands with ENT Department of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & RI Pondicherry to
The Department of Child Health Nursing conducted an Multidisciplinary Teaching Program on the theme of Anorectal malformation” on 27th February 2020 at Sushruta hall, KGNC.
MASS COOKING EXHIBUTION ON THERAPEUTIC DIETS” with the guidance of Mrs. Bamalakshmi J, Asso. Prof and Mrs. Jaya Pradha D, Nsg Tutor on 21.02.2020 from
NSS volunteers of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College unit took up the initiative in communicating the need of immunization schedule among under five mothers in Kosapalayam
Mrs.Bamalakshmi.J, Asso.Prof, and Mrs.Rajalakshmi.R, Asst.Prof, Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNCin collaboration with Primary Health Centre, Kosapalayam, and Puducherry organized Awareness Programme on “Worm infestation”
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